Friday, February 3, 2012

Homework#3: Author’s biases/Rhetorical Patterns

Access to this webside ( and read the article "Near Death Experiences and Reincarnation". Then, mention two of the author’s personal biases and three different rhetorical patterns in the text.


  1. Biases
    o I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    o Many people would be very surprised at the tremendous amount of references to reincarnation in the Bible.

    Retorical Patterns

    o Comparisson:
    Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school analogy" to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate.

    o Contrast:
    The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.

    o Process description:
    It (reincarnation) is a universal process, and prevails not only in the human kingdom but also throughout the whole of nature. Whenever we find a living form, the consciousness of that form is also evolving, using temporarily for that purpose the physical form in order that it may gain physical experience. In each incarnation we have a different physical body, a different name, and may have different souls acting as parents, but these changes do not in the slightest imperil our individuality ... Reincarnation is not an endless process, and when we have learned the lessons taught in the World-School we return no more to physical incarnation unless we come back of our own accord to act as Teachers of humanity or as Helpers in the glorious plan of evolution.

  2. Biases:
    • I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    • I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.
    Rhetorical patterns:
    People in the lower realms will be given opportunities to reincarnate to higher realms, including the physical realm, as many times as it takes for them to learn the lessons necessary to earn and advance to a higher position.
    Reincarnation and karma together explains divine justice and why some people are born into favorable conditions or are born into unfavorable conditions. Personality traits are also carried over from past lives.
    Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new gender and sexuality at an early age. Former girls who are reborn as boys may wish to dress as girls or prefer to play with girls rather than boys. Former boys who are reborn as girls may wish to dress as boys or prefer to play with boys rather than girls. Former men who are reborn as women will be attracted to women and will therefore be lesbian. Former women who are reborn as men will be attracted to men and will therefore be gay.

  3. Rhetorical patterns

    Contrast --> If we do not wish to reincarnate to the physical state to learn our lessons, there are schools in the spirit were we can learn them. However, learning

    our lessons in the physical state is the fastest way to learn them.

    Argument --> Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school

    analogy" to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and

    the academic degree we are trying to graduate with"...

    Definition --> Reincarnation is considered by some to be the greatest "unknown" scientific discovery of modern times. In the last chapter of Dr. Ian Stevenson's book

    entitled Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (1967), he provides exhaustive scientific reasoning which concludes that reincarnation is the only viable explanation

    that fits the facts of his study.

    Author’s biases

    ---> I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.

    ---> Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below.

  4. Biases:
    1-Some assume that after death, people immediately reincarnate without inhabiting various spirit realms in between Earth lives.
    2-I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    Rhetorical Patterns:
    1-Cayce explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs. (Cause- Effect)
    2-Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new gender and sexuality at an early age.(Definition)
    3-The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness. If we wrong someone and that person forgives us, when the day comes that we approach God, we realize our memories which are incompatible with God, but forgiveness removes the barrier of separation. The law is so precise (what one gives one receives; no exceptions) that if we begin forgiving others, we begin to receive forgiveness upon ourselves. Unless, of course, we refuse to forgive ourselves(Contrast)

  5. Biases:
    I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate with"[…]

    Retorical Patterns
    Our attraction to worldly desires can hinder the free expression of our souls and only when they are no longer a hindrance can our Earth incarnations be finished. The free expression of our souls happens when our wills become compatible with the thoughts of God. At this time, our conscious spiritual identity with God will merge with our soul consciousness (subconscious mind). This is when the soul merges with the light of God. The return of the soul is the return of the thought that God imagined and is becoming aware of being a part of all God and everything. (Edgar Cayce)

    Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to return to clean it up. By doing this, we don't contribute to the combined mess that exists on Earth by others. (David Oakford)

    Problem – Solution
    The only way to bypass bad karma is to develop so much unselfish love that paying for bad karma will serve no purpose - much like a college student challenging a course he already knows. (Arthur Yensen)

  6. Author Biases:
    -I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community
    -I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate with
    Rhetorical Patterns
    I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community
    A single experience may seem like an eternity and, at the same time, it may also feel like it was only a moment. This is because the spirit realms are completely outside of time. It is for this reason that we can literally spend an eternity in the spirit realms before we decide whether we want to reincarnate to Earth or not.
    This is the fundamental concept behind astrology: the position of the planets influence the destiny of the soul reincarnating to Earth. However, free will is much greater than these influences. The planets only influence - they do not compel

  7. Author’s personal biases
    “I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.”
    “I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose”
    Rhetorical Patterns
    Definition: “Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender.”
    Definition: “Reincarnation is considered by some to be greatest “unknown” scientific discovery of modern times.”
    Problem-solution: “the only way to bypass bad Karma to develop so much unselfish love that paying for bad Karma will serve no purpose- much like a college student challenging a course he already knows.”

    1. comment: Many Christians would be very surprised that there are a tremendous number of references to reincarnation in the Bible. The most compelling references in the Bible can be found within the teachings of Jesus concerning John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet.
      study is also reproducible for any skeptic who doubts the validity of his study to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    -If a person dies and merges completely into the light, another reincarnation is improbable. However, it is more usual for people to have earthly attachments and not merge completely with the light. Such souls may have characteristics of their personality, which they do not want merged with the light. (Thomas Sawyer)

    - Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new gender and sexuality at an early age. Former girls who are reborn as boys may wish to dress as girls or prefer to play with girls rather than boys. Former boys who are reborn as girls may wish to dress as boys or prefer to play with boys rather than girls. Former men who are reborn as women will be attracted to women and will therefore be lesbian. Former women who are reborn as men will be attracted to men and will therefore be gay. (Dr. Ian Stevenson)

    -All the planets in our solar system are physical representations of afterlife realms. Because of this, the planets exert an astrological influence on us. It is through these planetary astrological influences that we learn our lessons and are tested on Earth. (Edgar Cayce)

    -Reincarnation and karma together explains divine justice and why some people are born into favorable conditions or are born into unfavorable conditions. Personality traits are also carried over from past lives

    -Hell is a spiritual condition that some people are allowed to experience whose goal is to purge aspects of their personality so that they can participate once again in the cycle of reincarnation.

  9. Personal biases:
    1. I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    2. I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.
    Rhetorical patterns:
    Cause-effect: Cayce explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs.
    Hypothesis: People in the lower realms will be given opportunities to reincarnate to higher realms, including the physical realm, as many times as it takes for them to learn the lessons necessary to earn and advance to a higher position.
    Comparison: Reincarnation and karma together explains divine justice and why some people are born into favorable conditions or are born into unfavorable conditions. Personality traits are also carried over from past lives.

  10. Biases
    I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    We progress at our own rate to reach the light. If we do things that take us away from the light, then we are perpetuating our time here.
    Rhetorical Patterns
    It (reincarnation) is a universal process, and prevails not only in the human kingdom but also throughout the whole of nature. Whenever we find a living form, the consciousness of that form is also evolving, using temporarily for that purpose the physical form in order that it may gain physical experience.
    Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to return to clean it up. By doing this, we don't contribute to the combined mess that exists on Earth by others.
    Once we enter into the light and blend with God, we become God. Light can be divided into parts with each part remaining to be the Whole. Each part is wholly God. We are all a part of the light of God. When merging with the light, we cease to exist as a personality but every bit of our personality is available for reincarnation.

  11. Author’s personal biases
     I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
     He considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children who were spontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk. He was able to rule out alternative explanations using one or more of his cases.

    Rhetorical patterns
     Hypothesis
    Many people would be very surprised at the tremendous amount of references to reincarnation in the Bible
     Comparisson
    Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school analogy" to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate […]
     Contrast
    If a person dies and merges completely into the light, another reincarnation is improbable. However, it is more usual for people to have earthly attachments and not merge completely with the light.

    1. Author’s personal biases
      • I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate with"[…]

      • “I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.”

      Retorical Patterns
      • Contrast.
      If a person dies and merges completely into the light, another reincarnation is improbable. However, it is more usual for people to have earthly attachments and not merge completely with the light.
      • Problem – Solution.
      The only way to bypass bad karma is to develop so much unselfish love that paying for bad karma will serve no purpose - much like a college student challenging a course he already knows. (Arthur Yensen)
      • Contrast.
      This is the fundamental concept behind astrology: the position of the planets influence the destiny of the soul reincarnating to Earth. However, free will is much greater than these influences. The planets only influence - they do not compel

  12. Author's Biases

    1. "The purpose of reincarnation is education."

    2. "The process that determines the number of destinies a soul can chose from before reincarnating to Earth is an astrological process based on the nine planets of our solar system that are physical representations of afterlife realms."

    Rhetorical Patterns

    1. Comparisson

    "Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school analogy" to help clarify it."

    2. Process Description

    "(1) We are born into this world with the mission to learn lessons of love for the purpose of becoming forever at-one with everyone and everything - God.

    (2) During our lives, we are subjected to severe hardships for the purpose of soul growth.

    (3) After death we have a life review to decide if we have earned the right to advance to a higher heavenly position. If we have earned that right, we can assume that position at any opportunity we desire. In the meanwhile, we can spend an eternity with family and friends then reincarnate to lower realms to help others progress if we desire.

    (4) Some people have made such tremendous mistakes in life that, after death, they set themselves back some degree from progressing and need to re-experience a lower afterlife realm before reincarnating for another Earth life.

    (5 ) Because our ultimate goal is to be forever at-one with all things at a conscious level (the divine consciousness), we inherently desire more soul growth until we attain this goal. This goal is attained by leaving the realm we currently reside in (Death is the way people leave the physical realm - other realms have other ways.) and entering another realm we have earned the right to enter for the purpose of further soul growth.

    (6) People in the lower realms will be given opportunities to reincarnate to higher realms, including the physical realm, as many times as it takes for them to learn the lessons necessary to earn and advance to a higher position.

    (7 ) It will take a lot of love and effort, but eventually everyone will be reunited - the Godhood will be restored as it was in the very beginning - a good time will be had by all - perhaps another Big Bang will happen. But until everyone attains at-one-ment, we will enter and leave realms for our own soul growth and to help others in their own soul journey to God.

    3. Cause / Effect

    " If we do not wish to reincarnate to the physical state to learn our lessons, there are schools in the spirit were we can learn them. However, learning our lessons in the physical state is the fastest way to learn them."

  13. Biases:

    1) I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    2) The purpose of reincarnation is education...

    Rhetorical Patterns:
    1) Mechanism Description: It (reincarnation) is a universal process, and prevails not only in the human kingdom but also throughout the whole of nature. Whenever we find a living form, the consciousness of that form is also evolving, using temporarily for that purpose the physical form in order that it may gain physical experience. In each incarnation we have a different physical body, a different name, and may have different souls acting as parents, but these changes do not in the slightest imperil our individuality ... Reincarnation is not an endless process, and when we have learned the lessons taught in the World-School we return no more to physical incarnation unless we come back of our own accord to act as Teachers of humanity or as Helpers in the glorious plan of evolution.
    2) Definition: Hell is a spiritual condition that some people are allowed to experience whose goal is to purge aspects of their personality so that they can participate once again in the cycle of reincarnation.
    3) Cause-Effect: We progress at our own rate to reach the light. If we do things that take us away from the light, then we are perpetuating our time here.

  14. Biases:
    - I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one if the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    - I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Esach of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.
    Rhetorical patterns:
    - Description: A single experience may seem like an eternity and, at the same time, it may also feel like it was only a moment. This is because the spirit realms are completely outside of time. It is for this reason that we can literally spend an eternity in the spirit realms before we decide whether we want to reincarnate to Earth or not.
    - Hypothesis: People in the lower realms will be given opportunities to reincarnate to higher realms, including the physical realm, as many times as it takes for them to learn the lessons necessary to earn and advance to a higher position.
    - Cause-effect: Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we are die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to returns to clean It doing this, we don´t contribute to the combined mess that exist on Earth by others.

  15. Biases:
     Many people would be very surprised at the tremendous amount of references to reincarnation in the Bible.
     I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    Rhetorical patterns:
     Comparison: Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a “school analogy” to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as “the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate.
     Definition: Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new gender and sexuality at an early age.
     Cause-effect: Cayce explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs.

  16. Author Biases
    - I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate with…
    - I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    Rhetorical Patterns
    Definition: Reincarnation is considered by some to be the greatest "unknown" scientific discovery of modern times.
    Description: In time, we who are trapped in the cycle of birth and rebirth can once again come to know our original state and purpose, and regain our celestial birthright as a companion to God. In time we can again come to realize that the condition in our current life is the result of our free actions and choices from past lives. (Edgar Cayce)
    Contrast: The positions of the planets influence the destiny of the soul reincarnating to Earth. However, free will is much greater than these influences. The planets only influence - they do not compel.

  17. Rhetorical patterns:

    Cause-Effect: Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to return to clean it up. By doing this, we don't contribute to the combined mess that exists on Earth by others.

    Contrast: The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.

    Definition: It (reincarnation) is a universal process, and prevails not only in the human kingdom but also throughout the whole of nature. Whenever we find a living form, the consciousness of that form is also evolving, using temporarily for that purpose the physical form in order that it may gain physical experience.


    I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.

    Tomado de:

  18. Author’s biases

    1)I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    2)I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.

    Rhetorical Patterns

    Some assume that after death, people immediately reincarnate without inhabiting various spirit realms in between Earth lives. Near-death experience accounts affirm that we do not immediately reincarnate after death. The reason is because time does not exist in the spirit realms.

    The decision to merge in the light is the best decision. (Thomas Sawyer).

    If we wrong someone and that person forgives us, when the day comes that we approach God, we realize our memories which are incompatible with God, but forgiveness removes the barrier of separation. Homework#3: Author’s biases/Rhetorical Patterns

  19. Author’s personal biases:
    1- We are born into this world with the mission to learn lessons of love for the purpose of becoming forever at-one with everyone and everything - God.
    2-During our lives, we are subjected to severe hardships for the purpose of soul growth.

    Rhetorical patterns:
    1-Definition: Hell is a spiritual condition that some people are allowed to experience whose goal is to purge aspects of their personality so that they can participate once again in the cycle of reincarnation. (Hindu NDEr)
    2-Argument: Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school analogy" to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate with"...
    3-Cause-effect: In time we can again come to realize that the conditions in our current life is the result of our free actions and choices from past lives. (Edgar Cayce)

  20. *Author´s personal biases:
    1. I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    2.I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as "the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to gradúate

    *Rhetorical patterns:
    1.Argument: I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    2.Time order: The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.

    3.Cause – Effect: If we do enough good works we will eventually run out of bad karma and only good things will happen to us, and vice versa

  21. Author’s personal biases:
    • I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.
    • I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    Rhetorical patterns:

    Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a “school analogy” to help clarify it. I consider this description of the mechanics of reincarnations as “the curriculum for the world-school we are currently enrolled in and the academic degree we are trying to graduate.
    Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we are die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to returns to clean It up by doing this, we don´t contribute to the combined mess that exist on Earth by others.
    Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new gender and sexuality at an early age. Former girls who are reborn as boys may wish to dress as girls or prefer to play with girls rather than boys. Former boys who are reborn as girls may wish to dress as boys or prefer to play with boys rather than girls. Former men who are reborn as women will be attracted to women and will therefore be lesbian. Former women who are reborn as men will be attracted to men and will therefore be gay. (Dr. Ian Stevenson)

  22. BIASES:
    • I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    • Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below.

    - Reincarnation is considered by some to be the greatest "unknown" scientific discovery of modern times.
    - Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to return to clean it up. By doing this, we don't contribute to the combined mess that exists on Earth by others.
    - The only way to bypass bad karma is to develop so much unselfish love that paying for bad karma will serve no purpose - much like a college student challenging a course he already knows.

  23. Biases:

    * Many people would be very surprised at the tremendous amount of references to reincarnation in the Bible.
    * There is a misconception that many people have about reincarnation.

    Rhetorical Patterns:

    1.- Cause-effect: "In time we can again come to realize that the conditions in our current life is the result of our free actions and choices from past lives". (Edgar Cayce)

    2.- Argument: "We are to live on Earth in such a way that we will not need to return to Earth after death". (Cecil)

    3.- Contrast: "Life is a cycle of improvements and humans are not perfect yet. Most people have this secret revealed to them when they die". (Dr. Frank Oski)

  24. A. BIASES:
    -I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Esach of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.
    -I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.

    The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.
    Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender.
    Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to return to clean it up. By doing this, we don't contribute to the combined mess that exists on Earth by others

  25. Gustavo Barrantes Mena A80837


    1. Many people would be very surprised at the tremendous amount of references to reincarnation in the Bible.
    2. However, it is more usual for people to have earthly attachments.

    rhetorical patterns

    1. Definition. It (reincarnation) is a universal process, and prevails not only in the human kingdom but also throughout the whole of nature

    2. Time order: A woman once consulted Edgar Cayce to decide whether or not to undergo a very high-risk surgery. After inducing an out-of-body experience, Cayce went through the tunnel and visited the Hall of Records where he read her record in the Book of Life. Cayce advised the woman to have the surgery because it would be a success. Cayce explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs. Cayce explained that by allowing these surgeons to heal her, she would be allowing them to pay a karmic debt they owed her. She underwent the surgery and it was a success just as Cayce foretold

    3. Hypothesis:Life's a cycle of improvements and humans are not perfect yet. Most people have this secret revealed to them when they die

  26. Baises
    I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries Biases
    of all time.

    I saw that it is a big Universe out there and God has it all organized perfectly. Each of us is sent where we can obtain the best growth according to our Divine purpose.

    Rethorical patterns
    -Using the analogy of a school, my theory of reincarnation is described below. I describe stages of reincarnation and with each stage I use a "school(Argument)

    -All the planets in our solar system are physical representations of afterlife realms. Because of this, the planets exert an astrological influence on us. It is through these planetary astrological influences that we learn our lessons and are tested on Earth. (Cause-effect)

    -Cayce explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs.Cayce explained that by allowing these surgeons to heal her, she would be allowing them to pay a karmic debt they owed her. She underwent the surgery and it was a success just as Cayce foretold.(Description)

  27. Baises:
    1. Reincarnation is considered by some to be the greatest "unknown" scientific discovery of modern times.Dr Stevenson´s provides exhaustive scientific reasoning which concludes that reincarnation is the only viable explanation that fits the facts of his study.
    2. The purpose of reincarnation is education. Using the analogy of a school

    Rhetorical patterns:

    If a person dies and merges completely into the light, another reincarnation is improbable. However, it is more usual for people to have earthly attachments and not merge completely with the light. Such souls may have characteristics of their personality, which they do not want merged with the light.

    If we wrong someone and that person forgives us, when the day comes that we approach God, we realize our memories which are incompatible with God, but forgiveness removes the barrier of separation.

    Some people have made such tremendous mistakes in life that, after death, they set themselves back some degree from progressing and need to re-experience a lower afterlife realm before reincarnating for another Earth life.

  28. • I believe it is only a matter of time before these findings are realized by the scientific community to be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time.
    .The purpose of reincarnation is education. Using the analogy of a school
    - Reincarnation is considered by some to be the greatest "unknown" scientific discovery of modern times.
    2. Cause-effect:
    Because of our free will, we are able to inflict pain and suffering on others. When we are die, we realize the mess we left behind from our previous life and we may decide to returns to clean It up by doing this, we don´t contribute to the combined mess that exist on Earth by others.
    3.Contrast: The law of karma demands that we meet every bit of our karmic debts. However, an even greater law exists, the law of forgiveness.
