Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework #2: Parts of speech

Read the article below: “How will life in 2050 be like?”, and then, complete the following exercises.
A.Choose 5 verbal phrases from the reading and explain their meaning.
B.Extract from the paragraph “The Environment” 4 pronouns and explain what they refer to.
C. Reread the last paragraph and find equivalents for the following words.
1. sicknesses
2. gadgets
3. capable
4. found out

How will life in 2050 be like?
by Cristina Nuta

Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now? What do you hope about the future? Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of activity, from entertainment to technology.
TV - It seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050. Instead, people will choose a programme from a 'menu' and a computer will send the programme directly to the television. Today, we can use the World Wide Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away. By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us by computer. Then, 'Holographic Feedback TV' will have arrived: holograms are pictures that have height, width and depth. Simple holograms exist today and 'virtual reality' games are already popular. By 2050, we will be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see on television.
The enviroment - Water will have become one of our most serious problems. In many places, agriculture is changing and they are growing fruit and vegetables to export. This uses a lot of water. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages. Some futurologists predict that water could be the cause of war if we don't act now.
Transport - Cars will run on new, clean fuels and they will go very fast. Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there won't be any accidents. Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are. By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination. On the other hand, space planes will take people halfway around the world in two hours. Nowadays, the United States Shuttle can go into space and land on Earth again. By 2050, space planes will fly all over the world and people will fly from Los Angels to Tokyo in just two hours.
Technology - Robots will have replaced people in factories. Many factories already use robots. Big companies prefer robots- they do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day. By 2050, we will see robots everywhere- in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.
Medicine - Medicine technology will have conquered many diseases. Today, there are electronic devices that connect directly to the brain to help people hear. By 2050, we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again. Scientists have discovered how to control genes. They have already produced clones of animals. By 2050, scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have. Scientists will be able to do these things - but should they?


  1. 1 Cars will run: es una oración que se encuentra Future I Simple, ya que nos dice que los carros podrán correr.
    Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050: esta oración esta compuesta por simple present y future I simple, debido a que nos dice que los “adivinos” predicen que probablemente la vida será diferente en el 2050.
    It seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050: es una oración de tipo future I simple, la cual dice que parece que los canales de televisión van a desaparecer en el 2050.
    Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there won't be any accidents. Esta oración esta formada por future I simple, and future I progressive. La misma plantea que los carros podrán tener computadoras que controlen su velocidad y asi poder evitar algunos accidentes de transito.
    By 2050, we will see robots everywhere- in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes. Esta es una oración Future I simple, la cual nos dice que para el 2050, nosotros observaremos robots en todos lados, in fabricas, escuelas, oficinas, hospitals, tiendas y casas.
    2 Our: se refiere a nosotros, es decir a los lectores y a toda la población en general.
    They: hace alusión a las personas que se dedican a la agricultura, las cuales están produciendo futas y vegetales para exportar.
    This: se refiere a la agricultura, y al alto consumo de agua que provoca la misma.
    That: se refiere al agua, haciendo alusión al aumento de la demanda del agua podría ocasionar la próxima guerra.
    3 Sicknesses: diseases. Gadgets: electronic devices. Capable: be able to. Found out: discovered

  2. A.Will have disappeared: habrá desaparecido
    Will send: enviará
    Will have arrived: llegará
    Will run: correrán
    will have conquered: se habrá conquistado
    B.Our: nuestro, se refiere a los seres humanos
    They: ellos, hace referencia a los lugares en los que la agricultura está cambiando
    We: nosotros, vuelve a hacer referencia a los seres humanos
    This: ésta se refiere a la agricultura
    C. 1. sicknesses: diseases
    2. gadgets: devices
    3. capable: be able
    4. found out: discovered

  3. A. Will choose: se elige, elige.
    Will come to us: vendrá a nosotros.
    Will be able to see: será capaz se ver
    Could be the cause: podría ser la causa
    Will take people: se llevará a la gente.
    B. Our: se refiere a los seres humanos.
    This: hace referencia a la agricultura.
    That: se refiere al agua.
    Some: se refiere a los futurologistas.
    C. Sicknesses: diseases
    Gadgets: electronic devices
    Capable: will be able to
    Found out: discovered

  4. A.
    1. Water will have become: el agua se convertirá.(según el contexto se convertirá en uno de nuestros mas serios problemas).
    2. Will choose: eligirá
    3. will have: tendrá.
    4. will increase: aumentará.
    5. will fly: volarán.
    1. They: a los lugares en que la agricultura esta cambiando.
    2. We: a la humanidad en general.
    3. Our: a la humanidad en general.
    4. This: a la agricultura moderna.
    1. diseases
    2. Electronic Devices.
    3. able.
    4. discovered

  5. A.Will probably be: probablemente será (Future I progressive)
    Will have disappeared: habrá desaparecido (Future II simple)
    Will choose: escogerán (Future I simple)
    Will come: vendrá (Future I simple)
    Will be able: será capaz (Future I simple)
    B.Our: nuestro. Refiriéndose a la población en general
    They: ellos. Se refiere a los agricultores
    We: nosotros. Se refiere a los seres humanos
    This: estos. Hace referencia a la agricultura
    C.Sicknesses: disease
    Gadgets: device
    Capable: be able to
    Found out: discovered

  6. Part A
    will choose: elegira
    will have: tendra
    will come to us: vendra a nosotros
    will take people: se llevara a las personas
    will be able: sera capaz
    Part B
    that: se refiere a lo que es el agua
    they: lugares de la agricultura
    we: se refiere a los humanos
    our: a la humanidad completa
    Part C
    sicknesses: disease
    capable: be ableto
    gadgets:electronic devices
    found out: discovered

  7. A)
    1- It seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050. (FUTURE I SIMPLE)se refiere a que los TV desaparecerán en el 2050.
    2- will come to us by computer (FUTURE I SIMPLE) se refiere a que llegaran por computadora.
    3- Cars will run on new (FUTURE I SIMPLE) se refiere a que los autos caminaran de una nueva forma.
    4- will fly all over the world (FUTURE I SIMPLE) se refiere a que se volara por todo el mundo
    5- we will be able to help (FUTURE I PROGRESSIVE) seremos capaces de ayudar
    1-we: se refiere a nosotros, los lectores.(hoy)
    2-our: se refiere nuevamente a nosotros (hoy)
    3-this: se refiere a la agricultura
    4-that: se refiere al agua
    Sicknesses: disease
    Gadgets: device
    Capable: be able to
    Found out: discovered

  8. A)
    1- Robots will have replaced people in factories. Quiere decir que los robots han sustituido a la gente en las fabricas.
    2- Today there are electronics devices. Hoy en dia hay dispositivos electronicos.
    3- We will be able to help blin. Vamos a ser capaces de ayudar a los ciegos.
    4- Scientists have discovered how to control genes. Los cientificos han descubierto como controlar los genes.
    5- Are growing . Estan creciendo.
    1-Our: nuestro, hace referencia a los seres humanos.
    2-They: ellos, se refiere a los agricultores.
    3-This: estos, se refiere a la agricultura.
    4-We: nosotros, hace referencia a los seres humanos.
    1-Sicknesses: disease
    2-Gadgets:electronic device
    3-Capable: be able to
    4-Found out: discovered

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  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A)
    • It seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050
    Tal parece que los canales de televisión han desaparecido para el 2050
    • Holograms are pictures that have height, width and depth
    Hologramas son imagines que tienen peso, anchura y profundidad
    • Some futurologists predict that water could be the cause of war if we don't act now.
    Algunos futurologistas predicen que el agua podría ser la causa de guerra si no actuamos ahora.
    • Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.
    Hoy, muchos carros tienen computadoras que le dicen a los conductores exactamente donde están.
    • Today, there are electronic devices that connect directly to the brain to help people hear.
    Hoy, hay dispositivos electrónicos que conectan directamente al cerebro para ayudar a la gente a escuchar

    One = Water
    They = Farmers
    This = Agriculture
    We = Readers/ Humans beings

    Sicknesses = diseases
    Gadgets = devices
    Capable = be able to
    found out = have discovered

  12. A.
    1.Will chose: Elegirá
    2.Will send: Enviara
    3.Will come: Vendrá
    4.Is changing: Está cambiando
    5.Will increase: incrementara
    1.What do YOU do about the future? = YOU, se refiere al lector
    2.WE can use the www = WE, se refiere a las personas en general, nosotros
    3.THIS use a lot of water = THIS, se refiere a la agricultura
    4.YOUR destination = YOUR, se refiere al carro

  13. A)

    It seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050.
    Al parecer los canales de televisión habrán desaparecido para el 2050.

    Water will have become one of our most serious problems.
    El agua llegara a ser uno de nuestros más serios problemas.

    Cars will run on new, clean fuels.
    Los carros correrán son nuevos y limpios combustibles.

    Robots will have replaced people in factories.
    Los robots remplazarán a las personas en las fábricas.

    Medicine technology will have conquered many diseases.
    La tecnología en la medicina tendrá la cura de muchas enfermedades.
    Our --- > la humanidad.
    They --- > agricultores.
    This --- > agricultores.
    We --- > humanidad.
    Sicknesses --- > diseases.
    Gadgets --- > devices.
    Capable --- > be able to
    Found out --- > discovered

  14. A.Will probably be very different. Seremos probablemente muy diferentes
    Will have disappeared: Habrá deaparecido
    Will choose. Elegiría
    Will come to us. Vendrá a nosotros
    Will be able to. Será capaz de
    B.Aour: Se refiere a nosotros, en este caso a todas las personas o seres humanos
    Many: Se refiere a los lugares en los cuales se desarrolla la agricultura
    They: Se refiere a las personas de los lugares que están señalando
    This: Se refiere a la agricultura
    C.1. sicknesses : diseases
    2. gadgets : devices
    3. Capable: be able
    4. found out: discovered

  15. - Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050: los futurólogos predicen que probablemente la vida será diferente en 2050.
    - TV channels will have disappeared: los canals de tv desapareceran en el 2050.
    - Will life in the future be better: podria la vida en el future ser mejor.
    - Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050: la demanda de agua podria incrementar 10 veces mas entre ahora y el 2050.
    - Some futurologists predict that water could be the cause of war if we don't act now: algunos futurólogos predicen que el agua podria ser la causa de una Guerra, si no actuamos ahora.

    b)We: nosotros (quienes leen el texto)
    There: electronic devices.
    They: Agricultores.
    They: cars.

    c)Sicknesses: Diseases
    Gadgets: Electronic devices
    Capable: Be able to
    Found out: Discovered

    1. A)
      Will come to us: se presentará a nosotros. (Future I simple)
      Will run on: Funcionará en. (Future I Simple)
      Will have: Se tendrá. (Future II simple)
      Will be able: Será capaz. (Future I progressive)
      Will choose: Optarán (Future I simple)
      1-Our: nuestro, hace reseña a los seres humanos.
      2-They: ellos, trata a los agricultores.
      3-This: estos, se refiere a la agricultura.
      4-We: nosotros, hace referencia a nosotros los seres humanos.
      1-Sicknesses: disease
      2-Gadgets:electronic device
      3-Capable: be able to
      4-Found out: discovered

  16. a- 1- Will fly: Volarán
    2- will choose a: podrá escoger
    3-will increase: incrementará
    4-will have: tendrán
    5-we can use: Nosotros podemos usar
    b- Our: se refiere a las personas quienes leen el texto
    They: se refiere a los agricultores
    This: Se refiere a la agricultura que gasta un monton de agua
    We: nuevamente se refiere a las personas quienes leen el texto

    c- 1-disease, 2-electronic device, 3-be able to, 4-discovered

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A)
    1.it seems: parece
    2.will have arrive: habran llegado.
    3.is changing: esta cambiando.
    4.will run: correran.
    5.there won't be: no habran.

    2.they:ellos (agricultores).
    4.that: que(cosas que vemos)

    1. sicknesses:Unhealthy
    2. gadgets:artifacts
    3. capable:been able to
    4. found out:discover

  19. A.
    1. WATER WILL HAVE BECOME: el agua se convertirá
    2. IT SEEMS THAT TV CHANNELS WILL HAVE DISAPARED BY 2050: los televisores van a desaparecer en el 2050
    3. TODAY THERE ARE ELECTRONIC DEVICES: hoy día hay dispositivos electrónicos
    4. WE WILL BE ABLE TO HELP BLIN: vamos a ser capaces de ayudar a los ciegos.
    5. COULD BE THE CAUSE: podria ser la causa.
    I. WE: refiere a los seres humanos en general
    II. THEY: refiere a los agricultores.
    III. THIS: refiere a la agricultura.
    IV. THAT: refiere al agua.
    a. SICKNESSES: diseases
    b. GATGEST: electronic devices
    c. CAPABLE: be able to
    d. FOUND OUT: discovered

  20. A). By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspaper and books will come to us by computer: En el 2050, la música, películas, programas, periódicos y libros vendrán a nosotros por computadora.(Future simple)
    Simple holograms exist today and "virtual reality" games are already popular: Actualmente existen hologramas sencillos y juegos de realidad virtual que ya son populares. (Simple present)
    We will be able to see, smell an touch the things that we see on television: Seremos capaces de ver, oler y tocar las cosas que vemos en la televisión.(Future simple and Simple present)
    The computer will control the car: La computadora controlará el carro. (Future simple)
    Big companies prefer robots: Las grandes compañías prefieren robots. (Simple present)
    B). They: se refiere a los lugares.
    This: se refiere a la agricultura.
    We: se refiere a nosotros (las personas).
    Our: se refiere a "nuestro" (poss. adj.).
    C). Sicknesses: Diseases
    Gadgets: Electronic devices
    Capable: Be able to
    Found out: Discovered

  21. A)
    1. will probably be: probablemente será.
    2. will have disappeared: habrá desaparecido.
    3. people will choose: la gente elegirá.
    4. will send the programme: enviará el programa.
    5. will have replaced: han reemplazado

    1. our: nuestro (de los seres humanos)
    2. this: esto (la agricultura)
    3. we: nosotros (los seres humanos)
    4. they: ellos (los agricultores)

    * sicknesses = diseases
    * gadgets = electronic devices
    * capable = be able to
    * found out = discovered


  22. A)
    *Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050: Los futurólogos predicen que probablemente la vida será muy diferente para el 2050.
    *People will choose a programme from a 'menu': Las personas escogerán sus programas desde un 'menú'.
    *By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us by computer: Para el 2050, la música, películas, programas, periódicos y libros serán usados por computadora.
    *Cars will have computers to control the speed: Los carros usarán computadoras para controlar la velocidad.
    *People will fly from Los Angels to Tokyo in just two hours: Las personas volarán de Los Angeles a Tokyo en sólo dos horas.

    Our: Se refiere a la humanidad.
    They: Se refiere a los agricultores.
    This: Se refiere a la agricultura
    We: Se refiere a la humanidad.

    Sickness: diseases.
    Gadgets: divises.
    Capable: able to.
    Found out: discovered.

  23. A.
    1.Will be able to: será capaz de
    2.Water will have become: el agua se convertirá
    3.Demand for water will increase:la demanda del agua aumentará
    4.Robots will have replaced people: los robots habrán reemplazado las personas
    5.technology will have conquered:la tecnología habrá conquistado

    1.Our: se refiere a los seres humanos
    2.We: se refiere a los seres humanos
    3.They: se refiere a los lugares donde está cambiando la agricultura
    4.This: la agricultura

    1.sicknesses: diseases
    2.gadgets:electronic devices
    3.capable:be able to
    4.found out: discovered

  24. Gustavo Barrantes Mena. A80837

    Futurologists predict: Los futurologos predicen...

    Peopel will choose a programe: Las personas eligiran el programa

    Have arrived: Ha llegado

    agriculture is changing La agricultura cambiara

    Scientists have discovered how to control genes científicos han descubierto....


    They: Agriculture.

    This: Se refiere a los problemas. Creo.

    That: Futurologists

    sicknesses: diseases
    gadgets: devices
    capable: be able
    found out: discovered

  25. A.
    - People will choose (Future Simple) Las personas elegirán.
    - Books will come (Future Simple) Los libros vendrán.
    - We will be able to see (Future Progressive) Vamos a ser capaces de ver.
    -Our (Linea 1) Se refiere a todos los seres humanos.
    -They (Linea 2) Se refiere a la agricultura.
    -This (Linea 3) Se refiere a los lugares agrícolas.
    -we (Linea 16) Nuevamente se refiere a todos los seres humanos.
    1. sicknesses - diseases.
    2. gadgets - devices.
    3. capable - be able to.
    4. found out – discovered.

  26. 1.
    Will life in the future be better, (...)? La vida será mejor en el futuro?
    It seem that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050. Parece que los canales de TV desaparecerán para el 2050.
    Water will have become one of our most serious problems. El agua será uno de los problemas más serios.
    Cars will run on new. Los carros caminarán de una manera nueva.
    Robots will have replaced people in factories. Los robots van a reemplazar a las personas en las fabricas.
    You: se refiere al receptor o lector
    It: se refiere a la TV
    We: se refiere a las personas, nosotros
    They: se refiere a los agricultores
    Sicknesses: disease
    Gadgets: electronic devices
    Capable: be able to
    Fount out: discovered

  27. A.
    1. Will choose means: se elige.
    2. Can use means: puede usar.
    3. Could be means: podria ser.
    4. Can go means: puede ir.
    5. Will have replacet means: se han sustituido.

    1. This refer to agriculture agricultura.
    2. One refer to water.
    3. We refer to nosotros.
    4. Some refer to futurologists.

    1. Sicknesses is equivalent to diseases.
    2. Gadgets is equivalent to electronic devices.
    3. Capable is equivalent to be able to.
    4. Found out is equivalent to have discovered.

  28. will have: habrán (se refiere a los canales de televisión que habrán desaparecido)
    will send: enviará (refiere a la computadora que enviará el programa elegido)
    will come: vendrán (hace alusión a que la transmisión vendrá por computadora)
    will be: seremos (atañe a que todas las personas en el 2050 seremos capaces de percibir la televisión con todos los sentidos)
    will increase: aumentará (corresponde a la cantidad de demanda de agua que va a aumentar)
    our: nuestros
    they: los lugares
    this: la agricultura
    1. sicknesses: diseases
    2. Gadgets: electronic devices
    3. Capable: be able to
    4. found out: discovered

  29. PARTE A
    1. Will have disappeared --- Habrán desaparecido
    2. Will have arrived --- Habrán llegado
    3. Will have become --- Habrán convertido
    4. Will have replaced --- Habrán remplazado
    5. Will have conquered --- Habrán conquistado

    1. This --- Agricultura
    2. Our --- Entire human kind
    3. They --- The agriculture zones
    4. We --- Entire human kind.

    1. Sickness --- Diseases
    2. Gadgets --- Electronic Divices
    3. Capable --- Be able to
    4. Found out --- Discovered

  30. A.Choose 5 verbal phrases from the reading and explain their meaning.

    Will choose: Eligirá
    Will come: Vendrá
    Will have disappeared: Habrá desaparecido
    Will increase: Incrementará
    Will send: Enviará

    B.Extract from the paragraph “The Environment” 4 pronouns and explain what they refer to.

    Our: Refiriéndose a los seres humanos.
    That: Refiriéndose al agua.
    They: Lugares en donde la agricultura como tal ha cambiado.
    This: Hace referencia a la agricultura.
    We: Hacer referencia a los seres humanos.

    C. Reread the last paragraph and find equivalents for the following words.

    Sicknesses: Disease
    Gadgets: Electronic device
    Capable: Willbe able to
    Found out: Discovered

  31. A.will come: vendrá.
    will send : enviará.
    will increase: incrementarä.
    will choose: escoquerá.
    will have: tendrá.

    THIS: agriculture.
    they: agricultores.

    Found out: discovered.
    gadgets: devices.
    capable: be able.
    sicknesses: discases.

  32. A.
    Will have disappeared: habrá desaparecido
    Will choose: escogerá
    Will increase: incrementará
    Will send: Enviará
    Will have arrived: Habrá llegado

    They: Cars
    This: Agriculture
    Our: We
    We: Human beens

    Found out: discovered
    Capable: will be able to
    Gadget: Devices
    Sicknesses: Disease
